Ice cores and other long term data conclusively disprove the Gore dogma. In fact, CO2 increases are caused by temperature increases and are not caused by man. This process is caused by the same principle as soda loosing its fizz when stored in warm temperatures and includes eight hundred year time lag!
The problem with the Carl Sagan/Al Gore theory: it conveniently ignores the most important data, especially those related to the Milankovich cycles. These are three astronomical cycles which govern the long term rhythm of earth's surface temperature.
See this article:
Read the rest for a terrific summary of why Al Gore is a thief and a liar.
The problem with the Carl Sagan/Al Gore theory: it conveniently ignores the most important data, especially those related to the Milankovich cycles. These are three astronomical cycles which govern the long term rhythm of earth's surface temperature.
See this article:
Earth on the Brink of an Ice Age
11.01.2009 Source: Pravda.RuThe earth is now on the brink of entering another Ice Age, according to a large and compelling body of evidence from within the field of climate science.
Ice cores, ocean sediment cores, the geologic record, and studies of ancient plant and animal populations all demonstrate a regular cyclic pattern of Ice Age glacial maximums which each last about 100,000 years, separated by intervening warm interglacials, each lasting about 12,000 years.
Read the rest for a terrific summary of why Al Gore is a thief and a liar.
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