Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Jobs...or snow jobs?

Thomas Sowell - Syndicated Columnist - 12/8/2009 9:50:00 AM

President Obama keeps talking about the jobs his administration is "creating" but there are more people unemployed now than before he took office. How can there be more unemployment after so many jobs have been "created"?


Let's go back to square one. What does it take to create a job? It takes wealth to pay someone who is hired, not to mention additional wealth to buy the material that person will use.
But government creates no wealth. Ignoring that plain and simple fact enables politicians to claim to be able to do all sorts of miraculous things that they cannot do in fact. Without creating wealth, how can they create jobs? By taking wealth from others, whether by taxation, selling bonds, or imposing mandates.
However it is done, transferring wealth is not creating wealth. When government uses transferred wealth to hire people, it is essentially transferring jobs from the private sector -- not adding to the net number of jobs in the economy.
If that was all that was involved, it would be a simple verbal fraud, with no gain of jobs and no net loss. In reality, many other things that politicians do reduce the number of jobs.
[Read the Rest]

Sunday, August 30, 2009

The Kennedy Legacy

VIN SUPRYNOWICZ: His monument stands all around us


The most revealing moment in Edward "Ted" Kennedy's political life came Nov. 4, 1979, just three days before he would officially launch his challenge to a sitting president of his own party, Jimmy Carter. In a televised interview, CBS News correspondent Roger Mudd asked the already stout Massachusetts senator a "giveaway" question, a question about as tough as a quiz show host trying to help break the ice with a nervous contestant by asking, "What color is grass?"

Roger Mudd asked: "Why do you want to be president?"


Everywhere we look we see government, as vast, terrifying and powerful as Shelley's famous statue of Ozymandias. It is the monument of Ted Kennedy, the man who could not explain why he should be -- or even why he wanted to be -- president. An achievement of those who accrue votes and wealth and power as ends in themselves without ever stopping to contemplate why everything they do requires some new and even larger exercise in Draconian coercion, some new and even larger allocation of looted wealth, to supposedly "fix" what they messed up the last time.

This is Ted Kennedy's monument. It is built on sand.

[Read the whole article.]

Vin Suprynowicz is assistant editorial page editor of the Review-Journal and author of the books "The Ballad of Carl Drega" and "The Black Arrow." See and

Saturday, August 29, 2009

"Those who hammer their guns into plows ...

... will plow for those who do not."
                     -- Thomas Jefferson

Saturday, August 8, 2009

This covers most of it ...


Dear President Obama:

You are the thirteenth President under whom I have lived and unlike any of the others, you truly scare me.

You scare me because after months of exposure, I know nothing about you.

You scare me because I do not know how you paid for your expensive Ivy League education and your upscale lifestyle and housing with no visible signs of support.

You scare me because you did not spend the formative years of youth growing up in America and culturally you are not an American.

You scare me because you have never run a company or met a payroll.

You scare me because you have never had military experience, thus don't understand it at its core.

You scare me because you lack humility and 'class', always blaming others.

    You scare me because for over half your life you have aligned yourself with radical extremists who hate America and you refuse to publicly denounce these radicals who wish to see America fail.

    You scare me because you are a cheerleader for the 'blame America ' crowd and deliver this message abroad..

    You scare me because you want to change America to a European style country where the government sector dominates instead of the private sector.

    You scare me because you want to replace our health care system with a government controlled one.

    You scare me because you prefer 'wind mills' to responsibly capitalizing on our own vast oil, coal and shale reserves..

    You scare me because you want to kill the American capitalist goose that lays the golden egg which provides the highest standard of living in the world.

    You scare me because you have begun to use 'extortion' tactics against certain banks and corporations.

    You scare me because your own political party shrinks from challenging you on your wild and irresponsible spending proposals.

    You scare me because you will not openly listen to or even consider opposing points of view from intelligent people.

    You scare me because you falsely believe that you are both omnipotent and omniscient.

    You scare me because the media gives you a free pass on everything you do.

    You scare me because you demonize and want to silence the Limbaughs, Hannitys, O'Relllys and Becks who offer opposing, conservative points of view.

    You scare me because you prefer controlling over governing.

    Finally, you scare me because if you serve a second term I will probably not feel safe in writing a similar letter in 8 years.

    Lou Pritchett

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Go Here

Odumma Forever

Barry Soetoro, aka Barack Hussein Obama, will forever be known as Non-President Odumma, The Usurper.

Follow more blogs on this pathetic life form here:
Christian Libertarian Fellowship

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Resistance Update

Obama Administration Takes Aim At Gun-Rights Revolt

Posted by Declan McCullagh
July 21, 2009 2:50 AM

The Obama administration is raising the stakes in a fight over states' rights and firearm ownership by arguing that new pro-gun laws in Montana and Tennessee are invalid.

In the last few months, a grass-roots, federalist revolt against Washington, D.C. has begun to spread through states that are home to politically active gun owners. Montana and Tennessee have enacted state laws saying that federal rules do not apply to firearms manufactured entirely within the state, and similar bills are pending in Texas, Alaska, Minnesota, and South Carolina.

Yet the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms, and Explosives now claims that that not only is such a state law invalid, but "because the act conflicts with federal firearms laws and regulations, federal law supersedes the act."
[Read the rest]

Tenth Amendment Center

Never trust a politician

Here is what the recovery plan has actually done for unemployment vs. what we were told it would do.

From Innocent Bystanders Blog.

Friday, June 5, 2009

Unwise Choice

Writings Reveal Sotomayor's Controversial 'Wise Latina' Remark Not Isolated

The five boxes of files delivered to Capitol Hill gave senators a fuller picture of Sonia Sotomayor's background and record, as well as of how President Obama came to nominate his first Supreme Court choice


Thursday, June 04, 2009

he federal appeals court judge divulged new details about her finances and provided three decades of writings, speeches and rulings that give both supporters and critics fresh fodder for the coming debate on her confirmation. They include more instances in which she said she hopes a "wise Latina" would reach a better decision than a man without that experience.

The comments in 2002 and 2003 echo a much-criticized remark she made in 2001 at the University of California-Berkeley law school that has prompted a furor among conservatives who say they suggest President Barack Obama's first Supreme Court nominee brings a personal bias to her legal decisions.

Obama has said he is "sure she would have restated it." In fact, she said it almost precisely the same way in speeches to the Princeton Club in 2002 and one at Seton Hall law school in 2003, according to copies she sent the Senate.


Please keep in mind this woman belongs the an organization called "The Race" which is funded by Saudi Arabia and led by Muslim Mexicans specifically for the purposes of overthrowing the US Constitution.

Both Sides of Her Mouth

Sotomayor Speeches Woven With Ethnicity

High Court Nominee Criticized Stereotypes

Washington Post Staff Writers
Friday, June 5, 2009

Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor once told a group of minority lawyers that she believed a delay in her confirmation as a federal appeals judge a decade ago was driven partly by Republican lawmakers' ethnic stereotypes of her, suggesting that the tensions surrounding her current nomination are hardly new to the New York jurist.
This woman is the most racist nominee to SCOTUS since before the American Civil War. Yet, if anyone criticizes her she claims it is because her critics of just prejudiced against her race, sex or ethnicity.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

‘Fusion center’ data draws fire over assertions

Politics, banners seen as suspect.

View the Report Here

Stereotyping AKA Profiling

Succinct Summary from the REASON blog:

"The MIAC report should probably be revised. It also claimed that opponents of ILLEGAL immigration were more likely to me militia members. Since the majority of Americans oppose illegal immigration, that means that the majority of Americans are more likely than average Americans to be in militias. That is not possible."

What purpose could it serve putting the majority of Americans into a suspect class?

Missouri report on militias, terrorists draws criticism

The Associated Press

COLUMBIA, Mo. | A new document meant to help Missouri law enforcement agencies identify militia members or domestic terrorists has drawn criticism for some of the warning signs mentioned.

The Feb. 20 report called "The Modern Militia Movement" mentions such red flags as political bumper stickers for third-party candidates, such as U.S. Rep. Ron Paul, who ran for president last year; talk of conspiracy theories, such as the plan for a superhighway linking Canada to Mexico; and possession of subversive literature.

"It seems like they want to stifle political thought," said Roger Webb, president of the University of Missouri campus Libertarians. "There are a lot of third parties out there, and none of them express any violence. In fact, if you join the Libertarian Party, one of the things you sign in your membership application is that you don't support violence as a means to any ends."

But state law enforcement officials said the report is being misinterpreted.

Lt. John Hotz of the Missouri State Highway Patrol said the report comes from publicly available, trend data on militias. It was compiled by the Missouri Information Analysis Center, a "fusion center" in Jefferson City that combines resources from the federal Department of Homeland Security and other agencies. The center, which opened in 2005, was set up to collect local intelligence to better combat terrorism and other criminal activity, he said.

"All this is an educational thing," Hotz said of the report. "Troopers have been shot by members of groups, so it's our job to let law enforcement officers know what the trends are in the modern militia movement."

But Tim Neal, a military veteran and delegate to last year's state GOP convention, was shocked by the report's contents.

"I was going down the list and thinking, 'Check, that's me,'" he said. "I'm a Ron Paul supporter, check. I talk about the North American union, check. I've got the 'America: Freedom to Fascism' video loaned out to somebody right now. So that means I'm a domestic terrorist? Because I've got a video about the Federal Reserve?"

Neal, who has a Ron Paul bumper sticker on his car, said the next time he is pulled over by a police officer, he won't know whether it's because he was speeding or because of his political views.

"If a police officer is pulling me over with my family in the car and he sees a bumper sticker on my vehicle that has been specifically identified as one that an extremist would have in their vehicle, the guy is probably going to be pretty apprehensive and not thinking in a rational manner," Neal said. "And this guy's walking up to my vehicle with a gun."

But Hotz said using factors in the report to determine whether someone could be a terrorist is not profiling. He said people who display signs or bumper stickers from third-party groups are not in danger of harassment from police.

"It's giving the makeup of militia members and their political beliefs," Hotz said of the report. "It's not saying that everybody who supports these candidates is involved in a militia. It's not even saying that all militias are bad."

Posted on Sat, Mar. 14, 2009 02:22 PM

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Garden City Bank consents to FDIC order

by Mark Davis on February 27, 2009 - 3:41pm
KC Star

Regulators have ordered the Garden City Bank, which has a Lee’s Summit branch, to clean up its loan problems, evaluate management and present a business plan.


From the Desk of Senator Claire McCaskill

From:Senator McCaskill [mailto:]
Sent: Friday, February 27, 2009 12:44 PM
Subject: From the Desk of Senator Claire McCaskill

Dear Mr. Mitchell:

I just want to set the record straight in regards to the recently passed Economic Recovery Act.

First, this legislation provides one of the largest tax cuts in American history. Unlike tax cuts passed in the Bush administration, these tax cuts will go to most people who live in Missouri, instead of primarily helping those people who make more than a million dollars a year. Almost one third of the bill, over $247 billion, will go back directly into the pockets of hard working, middle class families and individuals. Also included are a series of important tax cuts for small businesses that are the engine of our economy. These small businesses will be a big help in creating jobs to get us out of this economic mess.

Second, this legislation provides a massive investment in our roads, bridges, electric grid, railways, alternative energy, rural broadband, and scientific research. Jobs, jobs, jobs – millions of jobs. Within hours of the President signing the bill, Missouri was the first state to put people to work as MoDOT began fixing a dangerous bridge over the Osage River near Tuscumbia using the additional federal dollars for Missouri’s highways. We will receive $637.1 million in additional funds for Missouri roads and bridges.

There is a lot of misinformation about this legislation out there. All of the spending in this bill is through formula funding or competitive grants or loans. There are no earmarks. The money in the bill for rapid transit will be available to eight different high traffic corridors in our country, and they must compete for those funds. There is no bullet train to Las Vegas in this bill. Yes there is some funding for helping American manufacturers build alternative energy products, including batteries. Once again, this will create jobs and has the added benefit of getting us out from under the thumb of foreign oil.

This legislation is not perfect, but the Chamber of Commerce, most Republican governors in this country, economic experts, and the National Association of Manufacturers supported it. And the alternative was to do nothing. With thousands of Missourians losing their jobs every month, doing nothing just didn’t cut it for me. I’m proud I was able to work with some of my Republican colleagues to take some spending out of this bill that wasn’t going to create jobs and add oversight and accountability.

We have to remember that America can handle any problem that comes along. Our work ethic and ingenuity will prevail. This tax cut and stimulative spending will not cure the illness, but it will stop the bleeding. Together the tough grit of the American people will ultimately cure the illness. Don’t bet on failure, not in America .

All best,

Senator Claire McCaskill

Sunday, March 1, 2009 5:02 PM

Senator McCaskill:

This is an amazing email from you Senator. It is so full of distortions and lies I find it unbelievable that you would expect any one to believe you. Over 70% of Americans are against this gigantic barrel of pork. To say is does not have any pork is a gigantic lie. You know it is a reward bill for the far left that supported BO’s left wing agenda. How much does Acorn get (I know you love them because they illegally helped get you elected)?

There is not anything to help the economy recover but a massive government spending to reward Democrat toadies and enhance the governments rule over American citizens.

You are very rich so the economy will not affect you. Our children and grand children can not afford this gigantic spending package.

You must believe that if you tell the big lie long enough Americans are stupid enough to believe it.

I’ll even bet you will support Kathleen Sebelius for Health Secretary. This is the friend of late term baby killer “The Death Doctor” Tiller. Sebelius called this abortion provider a Kansas health care provider. He gave thousands to her campaign for Governor of Kansas.

She will fit nicely in BO’ cabinet of tax cheats and liars


John Mitchell

Friday, February 27, 2009

Oops! Some truth got on the air!

CNBC video: News anchors panic when Ron Paul accidently given national air time to criticize Federal Reserve Bank (2:25 minutes into video -- both hilarious and insulting).

Ron Paul opening's statement before Ben Bernanke testimony before House Financial Services Committee on 2009.02.25

Saturday, February 7, 2009

State Budgets Woes Worsen

By Elizabeth McNichol and Iris J. Lav

States are facing a great fiscal crisis. At least 46 states faced or are facing shortfalls in their budgets for this and/or next year, and severe fiscal problems are highly likely to continue into the following year as well. Combined budget gaps for the remainder of this fiscal year and state fiscal years 2010 and 2011 are estimated to total more than $350 billion.

States are currently at the mid-point of fiscal year 2009 — which started July 1 in most states — and are in the process of preparing their budgets for the next year. Over half the states had already cut spending, used reserves, or raised revenues in order to adopt a balanced budget for the current fiscal year — which started July 1 in most states. Now, their budgets have fallen out of balance again. New gaps of $46 billion (over 9% of state budgets) have opened up in the budgets of at least 42 states plus the District of Columbia. These budget gaps are in addition to the $48 billion shortfalls that these and other states faced as they adopted their budgets for the current fiscal year, bringing total gaps for the year to over 14 percent of budgets.

The states’ fiscal problems are continuing into the next two years. At least 41 states have looked ahead and anticipate deficits for fiscal year 2010 and beyond. These gaps total almost $88 billion — 16 percent of budgets — for the 34 states that have estimated the size of these gaps and are likely to grow as gaps are re-estimated in the next few months.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

And So It Begins

Aside from the obvious payback for jiggering elections, the following story shows the beginning of Obama's move to erect a "homeland army" as big and well funded as the US military. Acorn is the model for a proliferation of tax-funded activist groups which are loyal to Obama, the the country.

Billions In Recovery Bill For Fraud-Infested ACORN

radical leftist “community group” known for its fraudulent voter
registration drives will get billions of taxpayer dollars under the
Democrats’ massive spending bill, approved last week by the House
Appropriations Committee.

Scheduled for a full U.S. House of Representatives vote this week,
President Barack Obama’s controversial trillion-dollar economic
recovery package was supposed to focus on creating jobs and immediate
tax relief to stimulate the ailing economy. 

Instead the monstrous spending bill will fund dozens of new
government programs, contraceptives, colleges and universities with
billion-dollar endowments and leftwing groups like the Association of
Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN), for years under
perpetual federal investigation.

Already largely funded with U.S. tax dollars, Chicago-based ACORN
will get a big chunk of $4.19 billion allocated for “neighborhood
stabilization activities” ...

[Full Article]

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Decline of Self-Government

In the last 40 years we have lost the virtue of self-control. No longer is our society populated by individuals who can restrain or 'govern' themselves. To lack the capacity to control one's urges or passions is to lack what our nation's Founders called personal 'self-government.' "
Reb Bradley, author of 'Born Liberal, Raised Right: How to Rescue America from Moral Decline – One Family at a Time'

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

CassCo Republican County Committee Meetings

The Cass County Central Committee meets the 2nd Thursday of every month. We rotate between meeting in Belton and Harrisonville. Our meetings begin at 7pm and ALL family members are welcome to attend.

ODD NUMBERED MONTHS (January, March, May, July, September, November)
Belton Location - Comfort Inn (located at 58 Hwy. and 71 Hwy.) @ 7pm

EVEN NUMBERED MONTHS (February, April, June, August, October, December)
Harrisonville Location - Cass County Courthouse (third floor)
@ 7pm

Click HERE for other events...

2008-2010 Cass County Republican Officers

Ron Johnson Committee Chair
Ruth Johnson Committee Vice Chair
Christie Kern Committee Secretary
Steve Cheslik Committee Treasurer

Sunday, January 11, 2009

The One Is as the One Does

Obama Energy Czar Socialist Group Member

US president-elect Barack Obama’s so-called “climate czar” Carol Browner has been exposed as being a member of Socialist International, a highly influential group that advocates the implementation of global government.

Links of Browner to Socialist International have been scrubbed from their site, but a cached version shows her membership to the organization. Browner also ran the EPA during the Clinton Administration from 1993-2001, the longest-serving Administrator in the agency’s history.

Socialist International calls for the institution of “democratic forms of global governance as the foundation for building a peaceful and sustainable world society overall.” The group’s charter of principles also states that “A principal task of new global governance must be to ensure that the benefits of global economic growth and the opportunities for economic development are distributed fairly”.

Socialist International also calls for a new global financial framework to replace Bretton Woods, a proposal Obama is pushing.

Temperature Rise Causes CO2 Increase

Ice cores and other long term data conclusively disprove the Gore dogma. In fact, CO2 increases are caused by temperature increases and are not caused by man. This process is caused by the same principle as soda loosing its fizz when stored in warm temperatures and includes eight hundred year time lag!

The problem with the Carl Sagan/Al Gore theory: it conveniently ignores the most important data, especially those related to the Milankovich cycles. These are three astronomical cycles which govern the long term rhythm of earth's surface temperature.

See this article:

Earth on the Brink of an Ice Age

11.01.2009 Source: Pravda.Ru

The earth is now on the brink of entering another Ice Age, according to a large and compelling body of evidence from within the field of climate science.
Ice cores, ocean sediment cores, the geologic record, and studies of ancient plant and animal populations all demonstrate a regular cyclic pattern of Ice Age glacial maximums which each last about 100,000 years, separated by intervening warm interglacials, each lasting about 12,000 years.

Read the rest for a terrific summary of why Al Gore is a thief and a liar.

Saturday, January 10, 2009