Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Smarmy Snarky RickySan

Comeuppance of a Serial Twit

Sure, Rick Santorum makes my skin crawl the way he rolls his eyes and wags his head around one who is smarter, more accomplished and far more righteous than he could ever be. But the fact is he is a classic neoconservative: pandering to so-called social conservatives and fiscal conservatives in rhetoric while implementing a thoroughly Marxist policy agenda.

Oh, and don't the forget the intense Hawkishness toward military aggression while ignoring the exigencies of our actual defense. The only difference between the Marxists on the left and the Marxists on the right (the neocons who are conning you) is the application of diplomacy, economic war and war. The lefties still want to encircle Russia, their chief Marxists rivals, while the neocons want to encircle the oil. Happily these two groups of Satanically inspired and entrained fanatics can harmonize their contrasting foreign policy goals fairly easily. [sigh]

Read it and weep; Rick Santorum's record does not lie. See the details here:

Barack Obama and Ham

Says NotWar at http://cnsnews.com:

I do not like Barack Obama, I do not even like his mama.
I do not like his health care plan, I do not like his food stamp clan.
I do not like his massive debt, that all our children will regret.
I do not like that sneaky crook, or how he lies and cooks the books.
I do not like it when he steals, I do not like Solyndra deals.
I do not like that glib mouthed man, I do not like his 'YES WE CAN'.
I do not like his spending spree, does he not know that nothing's free?
I do not like his blame of Bush, sometimes he acts like such a wuss.
I do not like his smug replies, I do not like his constant lies.
I do not like his kind of hope.
I do not like it. Nope, nope, nope.

(With apologies to Dan 1801 and Dr. Seuss)