Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Each taxpayer now owes over $100,000 in US government debt

On Monday January 25, 2010, 5:38 pm EST

Figures on government spending and debt (last six digits are eliminated). The government's fiscal year runs Oct. 1 through Sept. 30.

Total public debt subject to limit Jan. 2212,245,872
Statutory debt limit 12,394,000
Total public debt outstanding Jan. 2212,302,465
Operating balance Jan. 22142,454
Interest fiscal year 2008451,154
Deficit fiscal year 20091,417,121
Deficit fiscal year 2008454,798
Receipts fiscal year 20092,104,613
Interest fiscal year 2009383,365
Receipts fiscal year 20082,523,642
Outlays fiscal year 20093,521,734
Outlays fiscal year 20082,978,440
Gold assets in September11,041

[end quote from AP article]

OK, so the federal government, in 2009, took from us in taxes 2.1 trillion dollars.

However, spending was $3.5 trillion. So in one year, 2009, the federal government borrowed 1.4 trillion dollars. This raised the total 'national" debt to $12.3 trillion.

I've heard this means over $100,000 is owed for every taxpayer. This must assume about 123 million taxpayers. I think this may be a little over stated.

It is particularly striking to note that in little more than a generation, we went from a country whose money was backed by gold, to a country with only $11 billion in gold reserves and an annual budget of $3.5 TRILLION dollars.

This is not a sustainable situation. Also, keep in mind the world is in the process of replacing the dollar as its reserve currency. What happens when the dollar is no longer the basis for trading oil? More to the point, what happens when no one in the whole world is interested in dollars?

Are you angry yet?

Sunday, January 3, 2010