Friday, June 5, 2009

Unwise Choice

Writings Reveal Sotomayor's Controversial 'Wise Latina' Remark Not Isolated

The five boxes of files delivered to Capitol Hill gave senators a fuller picture of Sonia Sotomayor's background and record, as well as of how President Obama came to nominate his first Supreme Court choice


Thursday, June 04, 2009

he federal appeals court judge divulged new details about her finances and provided three decades of writings, speeches and rulings that give both supporters and critics fresh fodder for the coming debate on her confirmation. They include more instances in which she said she hopes a "wise Latina" would reach a better decision than a man without that experience.

The comments in 2002 and 2003 echo a much-criticized remark she made in 2001 at the University of California-Berkeley law school that has prompted a furor among conservatives who say they suggest President Barack Obama's first Supreme Court nominee brings a personal bias to her legal decisions.

Obama has said he is "sure she would have restated it." In fact, she said it almost precisely the same way in speeches to the Princeton Club in 2002 and one at Seton Hall law school in 2003, according to copies she sent the Senate.


Please keep in mind this woman belongs the an organization called "The Race" which is funded by Saudi Arabia and led by Muslim Mexicans specifically for the purposes of overthrowing the US Constitution.

Both Sides of Her Mouth

Sotomayor Speeches Woven With Ethnicity

High Court Nominee Criticized Stereotypes

Washington Post Staff Writers
Friday, June 5, 2009

Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor once told a group of minority lawyers that she believed a delay in her confirmation as a federal appeals judge a decade ago was driven partly by Republican lawmakers' ethnic stereotypes of her, suggesting that the tensions surrounding her current nomination are hardly new to the New York jurist.
This woman is the most racist nominee to SCOTUS since before the American Civil War. Yet, if anyone criticizes her she claims it is because her critics of just prejudiced against her race, sex or ethnicity.