Friday, October 24, 2008

Big O is Illegal Alien

from WorldNetDaily
Democrat: Obama's grandma confirms Kenyan birth
'This has been a real sham he's pulled off for the last 20 months'

Posted: October 23, 2008
11:33 pm Eastern

The Pennsylvania Democrat who has sued Sen. Barack Obama demanding he prove his American citizenship – and therefore qualification to run for president – has confirmed he has a recording of a telephone call from the senator's paternal grandmother confirming his birth in Kenya.

The issue of Obama's birthplace, which he states is Honolulu in 1961, has been raised enough times that his campaign website has posted an image purporting to be of his "Certification of Live Birth" from Hawaii.
He said the telephone call was from Obama's paternal grandmother affirming she "was in the delivery room in Kenya when he was born Aug. 4, 1961."
When Obama later returned to Hawaii, within the United States, there should have been a government document affirming his citizenship, but that also cannot be found. If that was not processed properly, Berg said, Obama would be in a situation even worse than not being a natural-born citizen.

"If he didn't go through immigration, he now is illegal and has been an illegal alien. He couldn't even hold the position of senator for Illinois," Berg said.

Further, Berg said he suspected Obama's college records may indicate he received aid as a foreigner, and that's why those records have been withheld by the campaign.

Wow, definitely read the rest here!

Friday, October 17, 2008

Oh, no - not Joe!

Joe the Plumber, a normal American in an abnormal storm of attention.

October 17, 2008, 3:30 PM
Full Comment by Kevin Libin
Unlicensed plumbers helped to build the American nation. Ours, too. It’s something to keep in mind before you jump on the American media’s gleeful bandwagon that seems hellbent on destroying the reputation of one Joe Wurzelbacher, apparently for having the audacity to question the tax plan of Barack Obama.

Joe Wurzelbacher has unwittingly become the latest football in the U.S. presidential race, after having his name dropped two-dozen times by both candidates in Wednesday night’s presidential debate. Last weekend, you see, Wurzelbacher was tossing around the ol’ pigskin with his boy in the front yard along Shrewsbury Street in Toledo, Ohio, when the working class neighbourhood was suddenly transformed by a visit by Obama.

Wurzelbacher strolled over to take a gander at the throng that had surrounded the Democratic candidate. He was reportedly unimpressed by the apparently softball questions aimed at him and ventured to ask a more challenging question of his own. He was thinking of buying the plumbing business he worked for, he explained to the candidate. Its income, he said, was approaching the $250,000 mark -- the point at which Obama claims he will begin raising income taxes. He asked: “Your new tax plan is going to tax me more isn’t it?” And thus, Joe the Plumber, as he’s come to be called, sealed his fate.
Actually, Joe the Plumber’s question was off-the-mark, anyway. Whatever you think of Obama’s plan, there’s a difference between business income and take-home pay, and after business taxes, retained earnings, etc. are accounted for, it’s certain Joe, should he buy the business, would be earning far less than a quarter mil annually so his taxes -- at least according to Obama’s promises -- might not rise at all. That, by the way, could have been Obama’s response, instead of offering a classic redistributionist’s defense: “I just want to make sure that everyone behind you -- that they’ve got a chance at success, too.” Not to worry. Lucky for Obama, his comments aren’t under scrutiny here; he’s only the favoured candidate to become the next leader of the free world, after all. Joe, evidently, is the one who needs to watch his mouth.
Yesterday, on National Review’s Corner blog, Byron York presciently wrote the following:

“I don't know anything about Joe Wurzelbacher, but I just have one bit of advice.  If you have anything in your past that you're not proud of -- a messy divorce, a DUI, an unpaid bill, an indiscreet comment, whatever -- be prepared for it to become public knowledge.  The lefty blogosphere, along with allies in the press, will see to that.”

Alas,York was right. Before the debate was even over, the sound of news truck tires could be heard screeching in front of Joe’s house. He has had his personal life turned upside down as news hounds, eager to vet this Joe Average, rifle through his story. Apparently, they believe they have paydirt. Turns out Joe’s not a licensed plumber, but rather a plumber’s assistant. Terrible, I know. But there’s more: he owes $1,200 in back taxes.  And his real name isn’t Joe -- it’s Samuel! Joseph is his middle name; he prefers to go by Joe. These gory revelations, as if you could have missed them, have been detailed in exposés by CNN, the New York Times, MSNBC, NBC, CBS, ABC, Newsweek, the Washington Post, the L.A. Times, a hundred other sources, including in the international press. The Globe and Mail called him today a “false Republican idol.” Some have suggested he must be racist. The Atlantic Monthly asks that, if his name and profession can’t be trusted, then what’s next? Is Joe “not actually a man?” There. That oughta teach lowly American voters to dare question the wisdom of Barack Obama.
Read the Rest

As Socialism Accelerates in DC

... busted budgets prompt states to pull back from the abyss.

Hawaii Ending Universal Child Health Care

Oct 17 12:00 PM US/Eastern
By MARK NIESSE, Associated Press Writer

HONOLULU (AP) - Hawaii is dropping the only state universal child health care program in the country just seven months after it launched.
Gov. Linda Lingle's administration cited budget shortfalls and other available health care options for eliminating funding for the program. A state official said families were dropping private coverage so their children would be eligible for the subsidized plan.
"People who were already able to afford health care began to stop paying for it so they could get it for free," said Dr. Kenny Fink, the administrator for Med-QUEST at the Department of Human Services. "I don't believe that was the intent of the program."
[Duuhh! -- Ed.] Read the rest here.

Fascism is as fascism does, Forrest.

Smaller Banks Resist Federal Cash Infusions

Community banking executives around the country responded with anger yesterday to the Bush administration's strategy of investing $250 billion in financial firms, saying they don't need the money, resent the intrusion and feel it's unfair to rescue companies from their own mistakes. But regulators said some banks will be pressed to take the taxpayer dollars anyway. Others banks judged too sick to save will be allowed to fail.
The government also said yesterday that it will guarantee up to $1.4 trillion of private investment in banks. The combination of public and private investment is intended to refill coffers emptied by losses on real estate lending. With the additional money, the government expects, banks would be able to start making additional loans, boosting the economy . . . .
[But] in offices around the country, bankers simmered. Peter Fitzgerald, chairman of Chain Bridge Bank in McLean, said he was "much chagrined that we will be punished for behaving prudently by now having to face reckless competitors who all of a sudden are subsidized by the federal government."
At Evergreen Federal Bank in Grants Pass, Oregon, chief executive Brady Adams said he has more than 2,000 loans outstanding and only three borrowers behind on payments. "We don't need a bailout, and if other banks had run their banks like we ran our bank, they wouldn't have needed a bailout, either," Adams said.
The opposition suggested that the government may have to continue to press banks to participate in the plan. The first $125 billion will be divided among nine of the largest U.S. banks, which were forced to accept the investment to help destigmatize the program in the eyes of other institutions.
In rolling out the program, Treasury said it would make the rest of the money available to banks that requested it. Officials said they expected thousands of banks to participate. But both the American Bankers Association and the Independent Community Bankers of America said that they knew of few banks that planned to participate.

Read the rest here:

Monday, October 6, 2008

One of the Great Videos from Foehammer on VodPod

"Excellent summary of why we have rights that can not be taken away by anyone unless we are unwilling to fight for them

A bit creepy ...

Actually the fierce reliance of the Obama campaign on creating momentum in the campaign by building a cult of personality everywhere at all times and at all levels is more than a bit creepy.

Whatever happens to the Obamanator, this process will someday be inherited and perfected by the Antichrist. Count on it. In the mean time this sad spectacle is antichrist. And sadly this spectacle is a local story to the Kansas City area.

Can we say Hit - I mean, Obama Youth, boys and girls?

The View from Abroad Says It All

Congress Has Sold Us Out to the Big Banks

Ronald Reagan said, “Government's view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it”. Even before Bush’s Big Bank Bailout Bill was passed by Congress we were in the “subsidize it” phase of the cycle. We have been told by our “leaders” that more subsidizing through the bailout legislation is in the best interest of the millions of Americans in the middle class. It was done to preserve our savings accounts, education and retirement funds and to help small business in securing the necessary loans they need to survive. It was done to rescue us from economic calamity.

In fact, the $700 billion bailout (ignoring the pork and tax breaks which make the legislation worth more than $800 billion) will only do harm to the middle class.

Read the whole article at:

Kenn Jacobine teaches History and English for the American International School of Lusaka, Zambia.

Two Headed Snake Tune

Republocrat Campaign Song

The "Republocrat Campaign Song" is climbing the youtube charts. Over 10,000 views in less than 24 hours. Right now the video is in the top 100 most popular videos for all of YouTube (#90). Please make sure you see this hilarious video and don't forget to rate it, comment on it, add it to your favorites and subscribe to the channel!

Here is the video: